Tips II

                    Tips for those who study in the morning                                                                 Part II                                                           
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                     Gaining morning time

  • Wake up. Try to get up as soon as your alarm clock rings. It's difficult, but make an effort.
  • Use the bathroom first. Do whatever you have to do in the bathroom before you get dressed. Take a shower if you have not had it the night before.
  • Get dressed. Wrap a towel in your hair so it starts to dry and you can get dressed. Choose your clothes and dress yourself. If you share the bathroom with other people, it is best to dress up in your room so that someone else can use the bathroom.
  • Follow your personal care routine. Once you get dressed, begin to take care of the other aspects of appearance. This is the most time consuming part for most people, so it is important to find ways to reduce time in this part. Look for products that save money, such as a cream that is both a base and a moisturizer. Also think about things you can stop doing. Some things may seem important, but in fact they are unnecessary, like wearing too much makeup. You can do things like:
  • Brushing teeth.
  • Take care of the skin.
  • Brush the hair.
  • Do your makeup (if any).
  • Comb the hair and, if applicable, apply the makeup after dressing. Some people do not like to do the makeup after dressing, as the clothes can get dirty. But if you're careful, there's no problem. What's more, if you put the clothes on later, you can erase the makeup.
  • Eat breakfast. If you have time (and it is advisable to have it), have your breakfast before you even get ready. To say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day is a cliché, besides being an incorrect information. However, having a healthy breakfast can help you wake up and gain the energy you need for the day.
  • Eat something simple, like a cereal bar, to save time.
  • Get out of the house! You're ready to leave. Try leaving a few minutes before the time. So you do not have to hurry or stress. What's more, you'll be prepared for some eventuality.
  • A good tip is to put a watch near the door that is 10 minutes early. It will be an incentive for you to leave.
